Prestige Care Solutions

Respite Care: Taking a Break for Yourself and Your Loved One

Caring for a loved one can be a challenge that weighs heavily on your emotional, mental, and physical health.

Home caregiver helping senior woman to walk

Taking time for yourself is crucial to recharge, relax, and provide quality care when needed. Respite care offers a break from your responsibilities as a primary caregiver, ensuring your loved one receives the care and support they need in your absence.

Flexible and comfortable care at home

Respite care provides a less disruptive service than putting your loved one into temporary residential care. They can stay in their comfortable and familiar surroundings, allowing their home routines to remain in place. Our staff recognises the importance of planning this temporary care around your needs, ensuring a flexible and comfortable service.


Tailored Service for Your Unique Needs

Respite care is a flexible service that can last between a few days and several weeks, depending on your situation and requirements. It can also be used in emergencies, such as if you fall ill or need to go to the hospital. Respite care is an excellent way to get a feel for what a home care service would look like and provide support with various conditions, including Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, strokes, cancer, and more.

Affordable and effective care

Respite care is more financially affordable than residential care and allows your loved one to remain in their home. It’s important to ask yourself if you need respite care and if your loved one requires assistance while you’re away or on a break.

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